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(based on national report) 

  • Percent of Americans reporting disabilities:

    • 5-20: 8 percent

    • 21-64: 19.2 percent

    • 65+: 41.9 percent

  • Older people are more likely to report disabilities.

The NHIS­D data show that 19 percent of adults under age 65 had problems in “getting around outside ... home due to [their] impairment or health problem”.


Almost 2 million people, or roughly 4 percent of those reporting disability were homebound. 9 percent of this 2 million is over 65.


The single most frequently cited reason is inability to walk.

The several disability factors that can affect people's chance of mobility:


Their disability is so serious that they cannot leave the house. Therefore, it is hard for them to access other forms of transportation, as they sometimes cannot even walk to the bus stop.


2/3 of people with disabilities report annual income below 35000. Low income has a strong correlation with low chances of mobility.

2018 Writing 101 Neurodiversity. Narrative, Activism – Activism Project

Ryan McMutry, Lancer Li, Alexis Alvillar, Alexa Lavergne

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